Don’t know if you all remember this marvel of photographic technology… The Olympus Trip 35mm… well a dear old friend lent me one recently to give it a bit of a service and see if it was still useable. So I carried it with me on a few trips … well, had a chance to see what resulted and thought I’d show you some…
REMEMBER: The following images were shot with an old Trip 35mm, which has fixed focus points and very few adjustable settings.. that and the film I used was rather old (my old favourite Fuji Neopan which I used to uprate)…
arrh your soo lucky i bidded for the olympus trip last week..i was outbidded =(
I love this guy with the big cross! Is he holding it – or wearing it around his neck? The fact that it isn’t completely sharp really adds to it.. as do his weary eyes. It is like the viewer is inflicted with the alcholol that runs through the sitters tired veins.
He was wearing it.. he was just sitting in the side door way of the irish centre so I asked for a photograph, he just grumbled so I took it 🙂