Everything was spot on… the weather, the venue, the dress, the shoes, the car, the golf buggies, the Duke of marlborough … hold on! Golf buggies? the duke? the weather?! Yes!
Had a great day shooting the wedding of Nicky and Mark on Saturday, starting out at Nicky’s house in Warwick, then the ceremony at St Mary’s in Warwick and onwards to the reception at the one and only Blenheim Palace , a world heritage site that is home to the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough (they live in the wing next to the wedding reception venue) and the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill.
Golf buggies were hired to zip around the Palace grounds, and the weather was just amazing. Honestly I could spend hours in those grounds taking photographs of beautiful brides and grooms! Really looked forward to it and really enjoyed the time I spent there. Wedding photography is definitely a privilege, I don’t care how corny that sounds!
Big thanks to everybody on behalf of the couple and myself. Both venues were stunning and the fairytale wedding was one to remember!
Excellent Wedding Images. Loved the warm feel that was evident in the B&W and color both. Very nice.
I found this website via Yahoo!. I’m really impressed with your wedding photos, I’m looking forward to see your next pictures.
Regard – Rizaldi