If you know me well, you may remember where I studied Photography… well it turns out I was hired by FutureRising to…
Wow.. as you'll see in the first image… this is the first time we've seen each other since around 1998 when we were…
Sorry I've been so quiet online, I've been so busy I have seriously neglected showing you what's been happening! But…
Enjoyed a day on assignment in Bradford earlier this month with Redhawk Logistica. Here's a bit about them taken from…
My final assignment for the Bass Festival this year.. here are the highlights from the set.
The press blurb reads.. "Hip hop artist Rudi Goblen assumes the role of Acey Sickley, fighting for air in the insanity…
As part of my commission for the organisers of the Bass Festival I was asked to shoot the Khadijatou Doyneh show at The…
Birmingham artist Kokumo, who featured in last years 3 month exhbition at the Drum, put on his dub poetry theatre…
As part of the Bass Festival 2010, Beyond the Ballroom celebrated UK Jazz Dance heritage and it's impact on club…
Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
07956 444170